Episode 007
Lake Norman’s Most Extraordinary Florist

Show Notes:
Welcome Denise Ulhorn, owner of Blumengärten to the podcast! Blumengärten is an extraordinary LKN florist located in Cornelius, North Carolina. In this interview, Denise shares the story behind the founding of Blumengärten, the growth of the business, challenges during the COVID-19 epidemic, and a few of the behind-the-scenes details of running a boutique floral design business.
This is a great interview featuring a truly exceptional LKN small business. I know you will enjoy listening to it!
Location and a few helpful links:
10308 Bailey Road Suite 412
Cornelius, NC 28031
From the Blumengarten website:
“Blumengärten is your source for any and all floral arrangements. From a simple bouquet, to an extravagant wedding, we can make any occasion as special as those celebrating it. Choose from our vast selection of fresh-cut flowers, blooming plants or explain your vision to us and we’ll turn it into a reality that will be complimented by everyone who sees it. Don’t settle for ordinary flowers when you can have an extraordinary arrangement designed for your your unique style and occasion.”
Ranked #1 in the 5 Best Cornelius NC Florists by LKNreal!

About the Host:
Jeff Hamm is the creator and producer of The Best of LKN.
When he isn’t working, you can usually find him boating, running & cycling local greenways, and taking walks with his dogs Sam and Maisy.
Jeff Hamm
Allen Tate Realtors®
Lake Norman, NC
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