Episode 009
SpeedPro North Charlotte
Cornelius NC

Show Notes:
Welcome to episode #9! The owners of SpeedPro Imaging, Lynn and Craig Bakstad, join the podcast for an interview. They share the details of the two businesses and the many important marketing products and services they provide. Enjoy!
From the business website:
SpeedPro Imaging North Charlotte Cornelius NC
“Whether you’re an agency, corporate marketing or the owner of a small business, we want to work with you. Our team has decades of experience, working with sales & marketing professionals, architects and graphic designers, adding our creativity and enthusiasm to every project.
As a premier wide format imaging company specializing in extreme-resolution printed graphics, you can count on us to communicate openly, and offer you sound advice on your project.”
SpeedPro North Charlotte
10308 Bailey Rd
Cornelius, NC 28031
(704) 799-8040
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About the Host:
Jeff Hamm is the creator and producer of The Best of LKN. He’s a local real estate agent and digital marketing professional.
When he isn’t working, you can usually find Jeff boating, running & cycling local greenways, and taking walks with his dogs Sam and Maisy.
Jeff Hamm
Allen Tate Realtors®
Lake Norman
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