Episode 264
Queens Orders Honey
Beekeeping with Justin Orders

Show Notes:
Justin Orders joins the podcast to share the story behind Queens Orders Honey – an apiary located in Huntersville.
In early 2018, Justin found himself unsure of his life’s direction. He began beekeeping that same year and quickly discovered his passion for saving honeybees. What began as a single hive has now grown to over 40 hives.
In addition to producing amazing local honey for consumers, Queens Orders Honey also offers a variety of services including hive hosting, swarm removal/relocation, educational presentations, and training programs for new beekeepers.
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About the Host:
Jeff Hamm is the creator and producer of The Best of LKN. He’s also a local real estate agent and digital marketing professional.
When he isn’t working, you can usually find Jeff boating, running & cycling local greenways, and taking walks with his dogs Sam and Maisy.
Jeff Hamm
Allen Tate Realtors® Lake Norman
(980) 422-6069
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