Episode 086
Ivy Robinson
Superstar Charlotte and Lake Norman Wedding Planner

Show Notes:
Welcome back to the podcast. I really do feel lucky to have had so many really great guests on the podcast over the past year and a half, all of our guests are special. Now, having said that, let me just say that I have a real treat for you in this episode. Our guest first joined us back in the Fall of 2020 for The Best of Charlotte podcast – our sister production featuring conversations with founders, CEO’s, influencers, and nonprofits based in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I recently invited her to join us here on The Best of LKN because, well, as you’ll soon learn, she has worked with some of the most recognizable and influential names in the Lake Norman area. She is a wonderful guest, so much fun, supremely talented, and we are so lucky to feature her here on the podcast.
Now, who’s our guest in this episode? Well, her name is Ivy Robinson, and she is Charlotte’s superstar wedding planner! Talented, dynamic, energetic – Ivy is an event planning genius that has been commissioned by some of the most discerning Charlotte and Lake Norman area couples, families, and companies to bring their most important events to life.
During our conversation, Ivy shares how she landed in the event planning industry accidentally while pursuing a career in broadcast communications. We talk a bit about the challenges of planning events during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how 2021 has become a fast and furious year for the industry.
Ivy gives a few local small business shoutouts, and of course, I inquire about some of those big local Lake Norman names for whom she’s planned weddings. You’re going to recognize those names, along with one really beautiful nonprofit charity event held in an airplane hangar in Statesville.
Welcome to episode 86. Enjoy getting to know Charlotte and Lake Norman’s superstar wedding planner, Ivy Robinson!
Ivy Robinson Events
Charlotte and Lake Norman Wedding Planner
Have a listen to Ivy’s 2020 interview over at The Best of Charlotte podcast!
Local businesses and organizations recognized in this episode:
Sherry Pollex
Martin Truex, Jr.
Birkdale Village
Idolize Spa Huntersville
Jami Svay
Welcome to The Best of LKN, a podcast featuring the best small businesses and the most influential professionals around Lake Norman, North Carolina. Each week, we spotlight those businesses and individuals that are making a positive impact here in the Lake Norman area. Thanks for joining us, enjoy the show.
Welcome back to the podcast. I really do feel lucky to have had so many great guests on the podcast over the past year and a half. All of our guests are special. Now, having said that, let me just say that I have a real treat for you in this episode. Our guest first joined us back in the fall of 2020 for The Best of Charlotte podcast, our sister production, featuring conversations with founders, CEOs, influencers, and nonprofits based in the Charlotte, North Carolina area. I recently invited her to join us here on The Best of LKN because, well, as you’ll soon learn, she has worked with some of the most recognizable and influential names in the Lake Norman area. She is a wonderful guest, so much fun, supremely talented, and we are so lucky to feature her here on the podcast. First though, I must recognize another local name that embodies all of those characteristics I just described, and so much more. That name would be Blumengärten, Lake Norman’s premier florist and our newest sponsor here at The Best of LKN. Blumengärten is your source for any and all floral arrangements, from a simple bouquet to an extravagant wedding. Blumengärten can make any occasion as specialist those celebrating it. Choose from their vast selection of fresh cut flowers, blooming plants, or explain your vision to their floral design team and Blumengärten will turn it into a beautiful reality. Don’t settle for ordinary flowers when you can have an extraordinary arrangement designed for your unique style and occasion. You can get to know the team at Blumengärten and episode seven of the podcast. I’ll have a link in the show notes for you. Thank you Blumengärten for supporting our work here at The Best of LKN. We are eternally grateful. Now, who’s our guest in this episode? Well, her name is Ivy Robinson, and she is Charlotte’s superstar wedding planner. Talented, dynamic, energetic, Ivy is an event planning genius that has been commissioned by some of the most discerning Charlotte and Lake Norman area couples, families, and companies to bring their most important events to life. During our conversation, Ivy shares how she landed in the event planning industry accidentally while pursuing a career in broadcast communications. We talk a bit about the challenges of planning events during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how 2021 has become a fast and furious year for the industry. Ivy gives a few local small businesses shout-outs and of course, I inquire about some of those big local Lake Norman names for whom she’s planned weddings. You’re going to recognize those names along with one really beautiful nonprofit charity event held in an airplane hangar in Statesville. Okay, I’ve gone on long enough. So how about we go ahead and get stuck right into this episode. My friends, enjoy getting to know Ivy Robinson.
Ivy, welcome to the podcast.
Hi, thank you for having me.
Great to have you, great to see you again. We connected about a year ago for a conversation for The Best of Charlotte podcast, and you came highly recommended by a few of my guests there. And I thought it would be so cool to follow up with you and invite you to come back and join us on the Lake Norman podcast, we can kind of catch up on what your year has been like, and also super relevant because you’ve been involved in planning weddings and events for some pretty big names who happen to reside around the Lake Norman area. And we may or may not mention those names, that’s totally up to you. But I just wanted to thank you for following up and coming back and joining the Lake Norman podcast.
Well, thank you. I’m happy to be here. And yes, love Lake Norman area. And you know, it’s just right outside Charlotte. So, we service them as well.
Excellent. Yeah. So, Ivy, I know it may seem a little redundant because we went over this in our Charlotte conversation. But just for the Lake Norman listeners, if you could just briefly share a little bit about your background and mostly how you got involved in the wedding and event planning industry.
Okay, yeah. So, it was all default I’ve landed in this role, coming from a family that always entertained, as a child I was thrown in, hey, go set the table we have 40 people coming over that we just decided on, so it was very last-minute entertaining. It’s just kind of naturally part of me growing up. And so, when I went to college, actually for communication, mass communication for television, and I ended up interning at CNN. And that’s where a sorority sister of mine was doing, she was the Microsoft southeast event planner. And so, we merged when we got back to Raleigh, and her father-in-law hired me to help run a company that their family had called, All Things Covered. And so, what we did, that was my intro into professionally event planning. So, she taught me all the logistics side of things, and I had the more creative design side. And from there, 20 years later, here I am. So, I found something I loved and enjoy doing and still doing it.
Isn’t it funny how, it’s just funny how that happens. And it happens to a lot of folks that I have conversations with for the podcast, it happened to me, as well, you know, just kind of accidentally bump into something that you just end up having a real passion for and love so much and kind of have a lot of talent for that you didn’t know.
Yeah, exactly. And I’m the type of person that I can’t sit in office every day. So, every day is different for me. And I love that and it’s challenging, and it’s fun and entertaining and stressful. So, everybody’s always like, oh, your job must be so much fun. But it’s really stressful. They don’t realize that it was, I think it was New York Post rank wedding planning and event planning as one of the top 10 most stressful jobs out there. And some people are like, well, I don’t get it. And I said, well just think, there’s no redo. Like for this podcast, when you say oh, cut, let’s re-edit it out, but when you’re at a wedding, you can’t redo it, if something goes wrong, it’s how you fix it and handle it without anybody knowing. And there’s no take two, it is very stressful. You gotta think, you know, people are investing a lot of money into a five-, six-hour event, and you just have this short time span to make it perfect. So, it is stressful, but we do enjoy it. And one of the things I always do is I make sure we all have fun while we’re doing it as well.
Yeah, but it’s not all fun and games, right? It’s not just standing around with a martini or a glass of champagne and it’s not all fun and games. Yeah, I’m sure that there’s so much, I for one can imagine how much work goes into all the details of planning an extravagant event, or a very complex event or certainly weddings. Plus, with weddings, there’s so much emotion involved, the bride, the groom, the bride’s parents, the groom’s parents, family, I mean I can imagine.
There’s a lot of dynamics and personalities, and you just have to be able to manage them all. Sometimes everybody gets along sometimes they don’t. You embrace it and figure it out and move forward with it. So, it’s definitely, no day is the same for me.
Yeah. Which makes it so exciting, right? So interesting that every event is a little different.
Right, so someone with ADD like me needs that in their life. Because if I had to do the same thing every day it would not work.
Yep, I get that too. Yeah, I can relate. You shared a story when we talked for the Charlotte podcast about something that had inspired you early on in your event planning career. And it was a planner, I think that you were working for at the time that had, do you remember her driving off in her Mercedes?
Oh, yes, I remember that story.
Share that story again.
I had just started, I was managing a venue and I was about to go out on my own and I sat down with her, and she said, well just get ready to make hourly wage, you know, at Pottery Barn and I watched her drive off in a Mercedes and I was like, no, I’m gonna do you and do what you’re doing.
Yeah, absolutely. Just kind of ignited that fire, right?
It did. I was like, okay, okay, I got it. Here we are still trucking along doing it.
Absolutely. I follow you on Instagram. And you’re just, you’re all over the place, all over the country. Planning these beautiful events and weddings. Yeah, it’s really cool. I also follow Way Cool Waylon.
Oh, yes, he’s having his nap right now. We had our morning walk and work out. So now he’s napping. And he’ll expect a walk in a little bit.
For listeners who are wondering Way Cool Waylon is Ivy’s dog, he has his own Instagram account. And it’s worth following. I’ll have the link in the show notes.
Yeah, he’s, I need to actually step up both of our social media game. Now that we’re slowing down for the year, that’s on the list to attack.
It’s tough to keep up with it. Especially when you’re in the heat of, you know, the middle of the event and wedding season, which this year, it’s a great segue into my next topic, this year has been, I can’t even imagine what this year has been like for you. We connected in the fall of 2020 when things were super slow, there was no travel, there were no events. It was, weddings and events were being canceled, rescheduled, canceled, rescheduled, off and on. And then in 2021 things opened up before they slowed down again and share a little bit. What have the last two years has been like for Ivy Robinson Events?
Well, this year has been bonkers, it is insane. Everybody, it was like, there was no, you know how a roller coaster just chuck chucks slowly up and then goes down? We just went like straight down into it. There was no slow entry back into our industry. So, we are all so grateful that everybody is back and ready to party and want to have events again, and they’re excited to travel. And so, it’s reflected in all of our businesses to a point where now we’re all like, okay, we just need a minute, a mental break, because it was so much this fall and this summer. This spring, the spring went strong, but the fall was better. I think people are just finally starting to get out of the COVID groove about early, beginning of the year, but they came full force for the fall and holiday parties. So, it’s definitely been a fast and furious year in the event planning industry. And we’ve also had a lot of people call in like last minute, hey, I want a party next week, I want a party in two weeks. And we’ve just been so booked, we haven’t been able to do anything or take on more stuff, so it’s a good problem to have.
Yeah, absolutely. So, 2020 and 2021. It’s almost like 2021, not only did you have the events and weddings that were planned for 2021 already, but you also had all the 2020 events and weddings that were rescheduled for 2021. So, I can imagine like once things opened up, they really opened up.
They did, they really opened up and it came full force at us. And again, like I said, we’re all so grateful for the business, we’re grateful that people are back ready to party. But you gotta think they’ve been locked up for a year. So, everybody has money to spend and they’re ready to go. The problems or issues that we’re starting to see is obviously, you know, the supply chain and all that. So, we’re now having to find our resources. And for instance, I used to be able to order napkins, like 10 days out, now I’m having to do four to six weeks out, so things like that. We’re having to on-site, let’s say, shipping has been behind. So, for instance, I had a box of some custom stir sticks show up after the wedding when they’re supposed to be there, you know, two days earlier, things like that, a little more challenges that we’re having to deal with regarding shipping and supply and demand. But we’re getting through it and we’re learning how to adjust. That and just making our orders further out with these companies to give them more time, because they’re also suffering from labor, and their turnaround times as well.
Yeah, you mentioned a good point. And I just, so a lot of these conversations, we talk a lot about how the supply chain issues have affected so many different industries, and I have guests from all sorts of different industries on the podcast and supply chain is definitely a common problem for everyone. But something that you mentioned, the napkins and supplies like that, I just recently placed an order to have our media kit for the podcast printed. And there’s a delay on that because I guess there’s a paper delay. So, I guess paper is not manufactured in the US anymore, either. It’s like, you know, overseas, and it’s just like everything, you really just have to expect that no matter what you’re going to do that there could be a delay.
Yeah, we’ve had some of that with our invitations. You know, the wrong shade paper coming in or delayed or backordered and everybody’s behind. So, it’s been interesting, but we’ve just, because we’re embracing it and learning how to work with it and coming up instead of Plan B, we have C and D and E in place now. You know, I think the biggest thing is to communicate to our clients that hey, this is what’s going on and this could potentially happen. So, it’s not a surprise.
Yeah, just stay ahead of it. Just have to stay ahead of it and we all have to just you know understand and be patient.
And everybody, we’re all in the same boat so everybody gets it.
Absolutely, yeah, I definitely agree there. What are some other significant changes? I’ve gotten the sense that in 2021 events have, is it just me or have they gotten to be, are weddings and events a little bit smaller, in capacity this year?
I think they started up a little bit smaller in the beginning, and then they’ve grown to be bigger towards the end. But overall, yes, they have been smaller. One of the things that I’ve just seen is that people have, they valued more about what they’re doing that weekend. So, it’s just that socially programmed, you got to get married, you have to have a big wedding, you have to have this, this and this. And so, you know, in the past, so many people have been lost in the details and everything else, that they’ve lost perspective of what’s happening this weekend. So, it’s almost like this evolution of what’s happening, and like you said, some have been smaller and more intimate. And I’ve enjoyed those, the smaller, more intimate and I also still enjoy the big ones. So, it’s, you know, COVID put a big scare on mass gatherings, and my theory is, I know some people have different policies in place on how they’re handling their events and everything, but our theory and our motto has been, if a guest is not comfortable coming, then don’t come. And there’s, you know, we’re all adults, we can’t babysit every guest. And it’s just, it’s their choice. It’s everybody’s choice. If they’re not comfortable coming to an event, then don’t come.
Yeah, absolutely. I agree with that. I think that, and you also mentioned something that I can relate to as well. And that’s that people are being more, they’re valuing what they’re doing a little bit more on the weekends and in the evenings. And I know my wife and I have, we don’t go out nearly as much as we used to, but when we do, it’s something special. You know, we put a lot more thought and care and actually spend a little bit more money than we normally do when we do go out. So, we just kind of pick more special things to do. And yeah, I agree, if someone’s, if you’re planning an event and guests, there are guests, always going to be guests that are not comfortable attending, and it’s important to be respectful of that. But you know, the show must go on.
Exactly. And that’s one of the things like you said, I’m seeing that people are just valuing, what I’ve seen, and I learned is that we walked away from 2020, taking a step back and be more grateful and valuing what we have. And so when you all of a sudden, you can’t go to the grocery store, except for certain times and wearing a mask or you can’t go out to eat dinner and you can’t go to a movie, can’t go to sporting events, all of a sudden, this big lavish life that we’ve all enjoyed and loved and had fun with is taken away, it grounds you and makes you take a step back and have a bigger and better perspective of what’s really important in life. And it’s happiness and being joyful and your health and taking care of yourself. And so, then you look at that and you go, okay, so the parties, they’re going to happen and that’s just the side stuff now. I’m healthy, I have a great life. I’m, you know, happy and that’s what’s more important. So, I think most of us from 2020 walked away with that. I mean, granted, there were lots of hardships financially with businesses closing and everything, but it made everybody pause.
Hmm. Yeah, and I agree. And I think that 2020 brought into sharp focus for a lot of us what we had been taking for granted, we took so much for granted that we didn’t even realize until, you know, 2020 and all of the side effects of the COVID pandemic. So yeah, that’s really well said, I appreciate that. And that’s a really good point, the whole, and we don’t talk about that a lot, or we haven’t talked about a lot on this podcast, but that idea of how much we realized we were taking for granted prior to all of this.
No, I know I did. So, all of a sudden when I was able to go to the beach and put my toes in the sand I was like, this is amazing! Before I just took it for granted. I value it even more now.
Yeah, value and appreciate for sure. What are some significant changes you’ve seen in the wedding and event planning industry? Anything that stands out over the last year?
Yeah, there’s, I’ve seen a lot of colleagues exit the industry. So, we’ve seen a lot of new faces come in, a lot of old faces leave. We have new venues popping up, some closing. It’s always evolving, and it’s really who is still standing at the end and wants to still be in it. So, like I said, you know, 2020 was definitely challenging for everybody. All of a sudden, your passion and what you’ve done for 20 years has hit a huge pause. And for someone like me that needs to be doing something every day that has all this energy and I’m like, ah, what am I gonna do? But the changes that we’ve seen in the event industry are people are obviously a little more aware about, you know, food service and social distancing, and, you know, if you used to do 10 chairs at a table, we’re doing eight and spacing out more. Just little changes like that, they’re more targeted towards health and safety for guests.
Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. Any, what are some cool projects from the last year that kind of stand out for you?
I love all my projects.
How much time do we have?
They’re all so fun and so different, and I’m at so many different locations. You know, one of the things I helped Sherry and Martin with the Catwalk with a Cause at the Statesville Airport, and that was fun to do. We just regrouped the whole thing and did more of a lounge vibe. And this was, I was supposed to do it last year, and that moved to this year, so that was fun and challenging, just to do a new perspective and eye on their event and turn that around. And then obviously, you know, most of my weddings are outdoors and tented. And that’s always challenging with weather. Yeah, oh, hey, you have 0% chance of rain and all of a sudden, a thunderstorm comes in starts blowing everything over. So, you know, you always gotta be on point. That’s always been the case with the weather, you never know. But the projects, I’m trying to think, they’ve all been fine, great weddings from the beach to the mountains. You know, the event at the airport hangar, did a 40th birthday party that was so much fun in Rosemary Beach for a client, I did their wedding, I think it was 12 or 13 years ago. And when I did their wedding, they said you’re going to do our 40th birthday party. So, we went down to Florida and rocked out a whole weekend for them that was so much fun. So, kinda been everywhere, did a party for Clemson for when the Clemson/Georgia game was in Charlotte, did a big alumni party for one of their organizations, that was fun. Being an ACC NC State graduate, so loving to help out Clemson there and love them as a whole as well. So, it’s such a great group of people. To have my hands in different kinds of things, not just weddings, so that was always entertaining and fun as well.
Go Wolfpack. My youngest stepson is at NC State now, he’s a sophomore. He just got home last night for the holiday break.
Great. Yeah, great school, he’ll have fun.
He loves it. His sister, my stepdaughter, Abby, went to Chapel Hill. So, we’re a little bit of a house divided, but neither one of them are really sports fans so it doesn’t come up much.
Nothing big there, they’re like, whatever. That’s funny.
Sherry Pollex and Martin Truex, they’re mentioned quite a bit by several of my guests on the Lake Norman podcast, obviously so adored in the community, in the area, and big influencers here in the Lake Norman area. The event is called Catwalk for a Cause?
Catwalk with a Cause, and what they do is they help kids with cancer, and it’s such a great event and such a great foundation, and I love working with Sherry, she has such a big heart and just a genuine person.
No doubt. Yeah, I’ve seen, I follow Sherry Pollex on Instagram and saw some photos from Catwalk with a Cause, and it looks like such a cool event and in the hangar there at Statesville Airport, there are private jets around and really cool, really cool venue, really creative venue for an event like that. Maybe next year, I’ll get invited. I don’t know what the fee is, I might have to get that worked out. But that’s super cool. Yeah, I love following her and Martin and seeing that, you know, all of the wonderful work that they’re doing in the community for kids with cancer and families going through that process. So, very cool.
Yes. I enjoyed working on that with them. So, that was fun.
So, speaking of NASCAR drivers, I got to put you on the spot, and I may end up editing this out, I’m not sure, depends on your answer, but you’ve planned some pretty big weddings in Charlotte, can you share for the listeners a couple of those clients?
Yeah, so I did Dale and Amy’s wedding, and then Brad and Paige Keselowski and Katelyn and Kyle Larson, which, you know, he had a great year, so I love seeing that because I support all of them and love them, they’re all just great people. And I enjoy working with all of them, so just a great community. Yeah, all my clients are so great and fun. Some are in the public eye some aren’t, and you know, I try, and you know, respect all of that. And so, yeah, they’re great.
All, appreciate them all and all are special for sure. The reason I was hoping you could mention a few of those names, when we connected last fall for the Charlotte podcast, I had asked, and I think it was JoBrent Austin-Diehl that had recommended that I reach out to you for the podcast. She owns Infinity Med Spa and Wellness in South Park. And when you and I connected and scheduled the interview I had asked my wife that evening, I said have you ever heard of Ivy Robinson? And she said, yeah, she did Dale Earnhardt, Jr’s wedding. And I was like, oh, really? Okay. So, my wife’s a huge Dale, Jr. fan, so what can I say?
That’s awesome, I love it.
So, I thought that was funny. But very, very cool. What’s new for Ivy Robinson these days?
Well, there’s always something new, I’m just trying to figure it out. I’m just still trucking a lot, there’s I’m trying to think, couple ideas going on, not out there yet. But you know, always trying to evolve, come up with some different, obviously, I need to step up my Instagram game, get that going. But we, you know, we’re booking right now, for next year, some pretty big weddings. What I’m noticing for next year, the weddings are getting bigger again. So, three, four or 500 people is where we are right now. Where this year, you know, we said it was smaller, 50, 75, 125. I just did one for 235. But next year we’re hitting the three, four, 500 guest count again. So, I’m seeing that go bigger. But in regards to us doing anything new, working on it. To be determined.
Always something, right?
Yeah, uh huh, exactly.
Is the process of planning a wedding or an event for 150 people versus planning an event for three or 400 guests, as far as time and resources, is it about the same amount of work goes into planning the 150-guest wedding as a 400-guests wedding?
It does, the same amount of time goes into all of it. We, you know, some people are like, oh, you know, 50 people, you’re still doing the same amount of work. The only difference is we just have to bring in more staff when you get into the larger events. Now obviously, when you’re off-site doing tented weddings or events, there’s logistically a lot more challenges, such as, you know, power and the weather, and are you flooring the tent, you know, AC and heating it, so you have a bigger and harder install for that versus a ballroom. But the same amount of time goes into the planning process.
I kind of suspected that it’s still the same amount of work to do a smaller, more intimate wedding as it would be a larger scale wedding. You just kind of, everything just kind of scales up.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Ivy, I know that you’ve done some work, obviously with some clients in the Lake Norman area, and you’re familiar with the area, and one of the questions that I love to ask my guests and put them on the spot a little bit is to find out if there are some, three, a few local Lake Norman businesses that are near and dear to your heart. Do you have anything for me?
I do pop into to Lavendar, Sherry’s store, occasionally. But I have to be honest, I’m not a big shopper. If I go anywhere, I’ll pop into Birkdale. I do love to support Idolize, it’s Jami Svay, she’s one of my makeup artists for a lot of my clients. And she opened that up in Huntersville. So, their brow wax tent, I will pop up there and go see her and visit her store. But otherwise, that’s about it because I’m really not out that much. I’ll go up to my meetings and knock them out and then come back and then go on to the next.
That’s understandable.
I don’t have that many answers for you. I’m trying to think.
That’s okay, no problem. That’s totally understandable. Believe me, I get it, as a solopreneur myself, I totally understand how difficult it is to kind of get out and enjoy some of these places. One of the great byproducts of producing this podcast is that it motivates me to make time because I have to take photography for the blog, and for social media, so it motivates me to get out and visit these places. So, that’s been a great byproduct of the blog and the podcast for sure. Lavendar Boutique, we have an article for the blog, our copywriter, Abigail is writing an article for our blog featuring, I think 11 or 12 of the best women’s fashions boutiques in the Lake Norman area. Of course, Lavendar Boutique is on there, and Sherry Pollex founded that boutique. And she was I think the ownership has transferred to a new owner. But Lavendar has been mentioned quite a few times on the podcast as well.
Uh huh. I’m more of a online shopper. Online, or I’ll pop in real quick or, you know, in Charlotte, when our friends open a store, I’m like, can you just send me some stuff?
Yeah, trust me, I get that too. Birkdale is home to so many cool boutiques and restaurants and shops. And yeah, it’s just an amazing place. And then Idolize, is the name of the business?
Uh huh, I can send you the link.
Yeah, that’d be great. I’ll have a link in the show notes for that as well. And Ivy, I know you’re super busy. You have three events going on this weekend or this week in Charlotte alone, so I’m not going to take up any more of your time this morning. How can listeners learn more about Ivy Robinson Events?
So, we have a website, it’s ivyrobinson.com. And then we’re on Instagram, which we update the most when we do, and that’s @IvyRobinsonEvents. And then I have a Pinterest page that needs updating, but we still have some stuff on there as well.
I get it, I get it. Yeah, trust me. Small business owners everywhere understand how difficult it is to keep up with the website, the email list, the social media, and all the social media platforms that we we’re supposed to be on, right?
Oh, yeah.
I get it. I will have links in the show notes to everything Ivy Robinson Events. I’ll also have a link in the show notes to the conversation we had for the Charlotte podcast, so listeners can go back and check that out. And that’s sort of like a time capsule, I think that was recorded November of 2020.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, it’s a, it’s a kind of a, if you’re looking for a good perspective on what we were doing a year ago, right?
I know, I need to go back and listen.
Ivy, always great to see you. Thank you so much for joining the Lake Norman podcast. Really appreciate it.
Thank you for having me.
Big thanks to Ivy Robinson for joining the podcast, always great to catch up with her. Listeners, you can learn more about Ivy Robinson Events at ivyrobinson.com. Follow her on Instagram @IvyRobinsonEvents, and don’t forget to follow Ivy’s dog, Waylon, on Instagram too, @WayCoolWaylon. I’ll have those links along with links to the local small businesses and organizations Ivy mentioned in this episode in the show notes. As always, you can find the complete show notes to all of our episodes at the home for Lake Norman number one small business podcast, www.thebestoflkn.com. We’ll also have a full transcript for this episode in the show notes. And that transcript is made possible by our sponsor, Blumengärten Florist in Cornelius. Many thanks to the team at Blumengärten for their support. New on the blog at thebestoflkn.com is an article featuring the best fashion boutiques for women around the Lake Norman area. Have a look and see if your favorite place made the list. Finally, I want to thank you for joining us and following along on our journey here at The Best of LKN. We’re wishing everyone the happiest of holidays. And we thank you for supporting small businesses by shopping local this year. We’ll be back next week with another episode. So, until then, cheers Lake Norman. Bye for now.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this episode of The Best of LKN. For more information about this podcast, show notes, video episodes, and links to our featured businesses, please visit www.thebestoflkn.com. We publish episodes weekly, so be sure to subscribe and stay up to date. Until next time, cheers Lake Norman.